Free entrance

A selection of short movies about social issues, in collaboration with PigrecoZen FilmFest

I'VE JUST HAD A DREAM, by Javi Navarro
ONE DAY IN JULY, by Hermes Mangialardo
AUSTERITY, by Renos Gavris
SIGNATURE, by Kei Chikaura
TO KYMA - A RESCUE IN THE AEGEAN SEA, by Arantza Diez and David Fontseca

Projections are in the original language with English subtitles.

I'VE JUST HAD A DREAM by Javi Navarro, Spain | 2014 | 7'25" Irene is 8 years old and wakes up after a bad dream. ONE DAY IN JULY by Hermes Mangialardo, Italy | 2015 | 2'12" A kid plays with sand on a beach as any day in Gaza. AUSTERITY by Reno...

Free entrance

Cultural experiences to tackle radicalisation in jails

Organized by the Ombudsman for adults and children’s rights of Le Marche Region.

Screening of the documentary movie “Nuddu”, made in the prison of Favignana by Stefania Orsola Garello.
With Stefania Orsola Garello, actress and theatre director, and Mohammed Khalid Rhazzali, professor of sociology at Padua University and author of the essay “L’Islam in carcere” (Islam in prisons).

The documentary “Nuddo” is based on a two-year research, in which the actress Stefania Orsola Garello joined some of the inmates in the prison of Favignana in order to perform the Odyssey by Homer. This experience originates a new view on the relati...

Free entrance

Selection of short movies from Terra di Tutti Film Festival

With representatives from GVC Marche and the journalist Pierfrancesco Curzi.

SYRIE, LA RÉVOLUTION CONFISQUÉE by Paul Moreira, France | 2017 | 52' Come è stato possibile che la rivoluzione siriana moderata e democratica sia stata sostituita dalla guerra jihadista? Paul Moreira incontra un gruppo di combattenti dell'Esercito ...

Free entrance

“Il Pugile del Duce” by Tony Saccucci

Welcoming, and guests introducing by Marcello Marcellini, lawyer.

To follow debate leaded by Fernando Piazzolla, lawyer and president of Camera Penale of Ancona, with Mauro Valeri, author of the book “Nero di Roma” (Palombi Editori) and director Tony Saccucci.

Organized by Criminal Chamber of Ancona, and supported by FIP and FIP Marche.
